This Trust offers support to parents entering Intermediate or High School for the first time who foresee financial hards...
Some of these cabinets are made of rimu so be in quick! These are out in the weather so if you can collect them today, t...
Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka. We are certainly enjoying the sunny weather and looking forwa...
This Friday 25 October the Oamaru Intermediate staff will be participating in Teacher Professional Learning and Developm...
Simple free download in Google Play & App Store. Great app for entering your child's absence. Skool Loop is also linked ...
Here are some dates to remember of events happening throughout Term 4 at OIS. Note our last day of school is Tuesday 17 ...
Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka - I am incredibly grateful for your support which has contribu...
SCHOOL IS CLOSED. This is due to the Oamaru Intermediate staff joining all the schools in Waitaki for our bi-annual Nort...
Our Purpose: To prepare students to be active participants who will contribute to their community.
Oamaru Intermediate is governed by an Enrolment Scheme. In-zone enrolments and out-of-zone applications are invited for ...
Information evening for parents about camp, or who want to apply to come with us.
Thank you to businesses and families who have donated towards our camp, especially those who donated large prizes: Cucin...
Teachers Only Day - SCHOOL IS CLOSED. Our last day of term 3 is Thursday 26 September. This is due to the Oamaru Interme...
The Digi-Tech Club at Oamaru Intermediate is creating its own 'Computer Repair and Refurbish programme'.
Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka. As another very busy week at OIS draws to an end, it is hard ...
POLICY REVIEWS - Please follow these links for instructions to review our current school policies that are up for review...
For those families who have not yet paid their Technology Contribution, pay this by the 25 September and be in the draw ...