Isabelle Raukete Assistant Principal - Year 7 Lead, Room 7 teacher

She is also one of our two Kahui Ako Within School Lead Teachers.

Kia Ora, Kia Orana

Ko Whakataha te Maunga

Ko Waimate te Awa

Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te Waka

Ko Tauwhara te Marae

Ko Ngai te Wake te Hapu

Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi

Ko Kupe te Rangatira


Nga Mihi nui kia koutou katoa Ko Isabelle Raukete toku Ingoa.

Isabelle is of Aitutaki and Maori descent. Her whanau is from a small town in Waimate North and Panguru. She grew up in South Auckland, Manurewa.

She loves the enthusiasm and passion of this year level. She is very excited to embark more on her teaching journey here at Oamaru Intermediate and looks forward to building powerful networks with whanau and the wider community of Waitaki.