Kia ora students, whānau and community

By Belinda Hirst | Posted: Friday December 1, 2023

As we prepare for the last two weeks of the year, I find myself feeling very grateful for many things, especially how I spend my days; the people that I share my days with and the job that I have, both the staff and students bring me much laughter, happiness and smiles.

In a world often filled with challenges, embracing gratitude becomes a powerful tool for empowerment. It shifts the focus from what's lacking to what we have, fostering a positive mindset that fuels motivation and resilience.

Our laughter has been a constant, whether it's sharing a joke, enjoying a funny story, or simply finding joy in every day, we appreciate that laughter has been a source of strength. I thoroughly enjoy walking through classrooms when students share a moment with me, especially when it includes laughter.

And then there are the smiles, those magical expressions on the faces of many. In connecting with one another, we've shared countless smiles. Each smile is a testament to the connections we've established and the encouragement we've provided on this journey.

Our happiness is a result of conscious choices and perspectives. By acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives, we amplify the ‘happy’ within. We hope this has created a ripple effect of positivity that extends to our community.

We have learned that gratitude helps people focus on the positive aspects of their life. The positive effects of experiencing and expressing gratitude are endless, predominantly that it appears to have a domino effect. If a person experiences gratitude, they are more likely to recognise the help and then later reciprocate that help.

When was the last time you thanked someone for something they have done or what they do for you? They may just be words, but they go a long way in promoting a positive environment and relationships.

So a truly heartfelt thank you to you all for being part of your child’s journey at Oamaru Intermediate. We are looking forward to our celebrations over the next two Fridays when we have a chance to thank the students for their effort and hard work that they have given too.

Wishing you a happy and safe weekend

Hei konā rā

Belinda Hirst

Deputy Principal, Oamaru Intermediate School