Kia ora students, whanau and community

By Belinda Hirst | Posted: Thursday November 9, 2023

When people have confidence in their abilities, they tend to use their brains more efficiently, leading to improved problem-solving skills and adaptability. They have more brainpower to solve problems because they approach them from many different angles and adapt their approaches as needed.

Research shows that people who believe in themselves use more of their brains. Belief in oneself can indeed have a profound impact on cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. This empowering mindset can unlock untapped potential in the brain, allowing individuals to harness their full cognitive capacity.

It is impossible to overemphasize the power of positivity and belief in yourself. Self-belief is a motivational force that drives individuals to explore various approaches to challenges. Here are a few ways in which it influences brainpower:

  • Increased Creativity: Believing in oneself encourages creative thinking. People are more likely to think outside the dodecahedron (box is too simple!), combining different ideas and perspectives to find innovative solutions to problems.
  • Enhanced Focus: Confidence in one's abilities helps maintain focus and concentration, allowing individuals to delve deeper into problem-solving without distractions.
  • Resilience: Self-belief fosters a resilient attitude, helping individuals bounce back from setbacks. They see challenges as opportunities for growth and adaptation.
  • Positive Feedback: Belief in oneself often leads to success, which, in turn, reinforces one's self-confidence. This positive feedback loop continually fuels the brain's capacity to tackle complex problems.
  • Risk-Taking: People who believe in themselves are more likely to take calculated risks. This willingness to step out of their comfort zones can lead to new experiences and learning, stimulating brain activity.
  • Stress Management: Confidence can reduce the impact of stress on the brain. When individuals believe in their abilities to handle challenges, they are less likely to experience stress-related cognitive impairments.
  • Adaptability: Self-belief encourages individuals to adapt their problem-solving strategies as needed. They are open to trying new methods and approaches, making them more versatile thinkers.

Belief in oneself empowers individuals to utilise their brainpower more effectively. This motivational mindset fosters creativity, resilience, and adaptability, making it an invaluable asset for problem-solving and personal growth. Embracing self-belief not only enhances cognitive abilities but also opens doors to new horizons and opportunities. So, the next time you face a challenge, remember that your self-belief can be your greatest cognitive asset in conquering it.

I also want to acknowledge the departure of India McLay at the end of the year. We wish her the safest of travels in her venture overseas. Thank you for all the work you have invested in OIS and our students over the past two years.

Wishing you a happy and safe weekend

Hei konā rā

Belinda Hirst

Deputy Principal, Oamaru Intermediate School