Attendance Matters - Show up to Succeed.....

By Attendance Officer | Posted: Wednesday March 6, 2024

Attending school every day is essential for the overall development of each person. It raises a young person's reading, writing, numeracy/maths and other social skills, they feel confident in the classroom, they make friends, build social skills and build good healthy habits for life.

Every Minute Counts!

8:30AM - Arriving before class starts means getting settled and ready for class

8:45AM - Less likely to be ready to learn, likely to be late to class

8:46AM - Arriving late means the start of the lesson could be missed and is likely to unsettle the class

8:50AM - 5 minutes late a day means missing 3 days over a school year

8:55AM - 10 minutes late a day means almost 7 school days lost a year

9:00AM - 15 minutes late a day means almost 10 school days lost a year

  • Arriving very late is recorded as an absence

  • Students who are late miss out on learning and can be a disruption to the classroom.

  • If a student is regularly late it will affect their learning at school.