Welcome back to Term 4

By Rebecca Meek | Posted: Thursday October 17, 2024

Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka. We are certainly enjoying the sunny weather and looking forward to a very busy term ahead with many exciting opportunities and activities planned, including Athletics, the Diligence Assembly and Prizegiving, Speeches, and Orientation visits. A special welcome back to Hannah Johnston, who has returned from her overseas trip.

A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Netty Festival yesterday, we had 77 students at this festival which everyone enjoyed.

This term is especially important for our Year 8 cohort, as it’s their last term at Intermediate. With high school enrolments underway, the transition process begins. As we know, change can look and feel different for everyone, so it’s important we remind our students to be respectful of one another as they prepare for their next step. If you require financial support for your child's high school uniform, the JR McKenzie Trust offers assistance. Application forms are available at the school office.

A big thank you to our PTA for their continuous hard work behind the scenes. With their support, we have purchased new basketball uniforms for our interschool teams, two new TVs for Rooms 9 and 10, and new tennis rackets and balls for students to use during break times. We greatly appreciate all the PTA does for our school!

Looking ahead to next year, our Year 8 Camping Programme will take place early in the year. Students will attend camp with their homeroom teacher and buddy class. Our current Year 7 students have already received information about this. With the cost of camp being $350, it’s important for families to start financial planning. To help, we are offering three fundraising opportunities starting today. We strongly encourage families to participate in these fundraisers to ensure their child can attend camp. Many parents already have direct debits set up through online banking, so thank you to those who have made early arrangements.

Uniform Reminders: As we transition into summer, girls are expected to wear white ankle socks as part of their uniform. Additionally, all students must have a navy or black hat for PE and break times. Please also ensure that students wear black leather lace-up shoes for the remainder of the term. Bucket hats can be purchased from the office for $12 each.

Your child must be in the correct school uniform every day. If they need to wear PE gear, it should only be for PE sessions, not the entire day. If your child is out of uniform for any reason, please have them report to the office for a uniform pass. Wearing the correct uniform supports students in being set up for success.

Important Dates:

  • Friday 25 October: Teacher Professional Learning and Development (Teacher-Only Day). Students will be learning from home.

  • Monday 28 October: School Closed for Labour Day.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Rebecca Meek
