OIS Strategic Planning - your help would be appreciated
As part of this journey, we would appreciate your help with a survey about our Strategic Plan. More details are included below.
Strategic Planning - your feedback is needed
OIS prides itself in consulting with our stakeholders in decisions that drive our direction. Every stakeholder brings a unique viewpoint and diverse insight shaped by their experiences and interests. All stakeholder's voices need to be represented in our decision-making process. This in turn broadens the pool of ideas, leading to innovative solutions and a more comprehensive strategy. By engaging with all stakeholders, we create a more sustainable and successful strategy.
It is now your turn to give us some feedback. We would greatly appreciate you taking 4 minutes to complete this survey. Thank you in advance.
Link to the Strategic Plan Community Survey
Wishing you a happy and safe weekend
Hei konā rā
Belinda Hirst
Deputy Principal, Oamaru Intermediate School