Principal's message

By Mary Healey | Posted: Thursday November 5, 2020

We are well underway with term four and while there are much teaching and learning still to happen, there is a number of events also lined up. Many of those focus on the transition of students into and out of OIS.

Tomorrow is November 6, the first orientation day for year 6 students with the second orientation day on November 20. If you, or someone you know, is yet to enrol a child for next year, it is important that this happens now. Our classes are quickly filling up.

Year 8 transition day to WGHS and WBHS happens later in the term.

I would like to congratulate, in advance, everyone who is sharing their talent in our Showcase event tomorrow afternoon. Parents and friends are most welcome to join us in the hall at 1.30 pm for what promises to be an entertaining afternoon.

All school teachers from across the Kahui Ako are meeting at OIS after school on Monday to share the outcomes of their collaborative inquiries and to celebrate success.

Also on Monday, November 9, year 8 students begin a week of activities outside their classrooms, including rope courses, orienteering, cycling part of the A2O trail, rock climbing, sailing/kayaking, archery and community service. Many thanks to all parents who are helping make this possible.

My gratitude also to the parents who attended, offered encouragement and helped out at our Athletic Sports last Friday. Unfortunately, I was committed to a Kahui Ako hui in Dunedin and missed out on what sounds like a successful day with a great BBQ.

Regards, Mary Healey, Principal

From the Board

Following the Ministry of Education's provisional staffing for 2021, we have been busy with appointments. In addition to Rebecca Meek being appointed to the role of Principal we have made the following appointments:

  • Deputy Principal - Kelsy Fletcher
  • Classroom Teachers - Isabelle Raukete and Hannah Johnston.

These teachers are all looking forward to working as part os the OIS team. Kelsy is currently visiting from Auckland and getting a feel for the school - pupils, staff and systems.

BOT elections: Jane Taafaki and Damian Brown both put themselves forward for a further term on the Board. With no further nominations, the Returning Officer has confirmed their election. We congratulate them and thank them for their ongoing commitment to OIS.

Regards, Bec O'Sullivan, BOT Chair