The Kathmandu Timaru store is pleased to invite you to an exclusive shopping programme. We are offering a one-off Gear U...
Our Purpose: To prepare students to be active participants who will contribute to their community.
Here are some dates to remember of events happening throughout the remainder of Term 1 at OIS.
POLICY REVIEWS - Please follow these links for instructions to review our current school policies that are up for review...
Thank you to everyone who supported the Year 8 Camp Raffle so our students can go to camp. A huge thank you to those who...
Our preferred form of payment is online using our school bank account details below. Please make sure payments go into t...
Most of you will be familiar with school PTA's from your child's previous school. Our PTA exists to help supply extra fu...
Attending school every day is essential for the overall development of each person. It raises a young person's reading, ...
OIS Swimming Sports is on this Wednesday 6 March at our school pool. They begin at 9.00 am and finish at approximately 1...
As part of this journey, we would appreciate your help with a survey about our Strategic Plan. More details are included...
A REMINDER that tomorrow we have a Professional Learning Teacher Only Day. Thank you for your support with your child le...
If these items belong to your child please contact the school office.
We are selling our OIS sports hoodie. This is an optional sweatshirt that students can wear when representing Oamaru Int...
The Community Oral Health Service provides free dental care until age 18 and our team is here to support your school com...
A reminder to all parents...
The start of the year is an exciting time at Oamaru Intermediate. The classes are abuzz with talk, with engagement, and ...