Technology Reporting
We have changed the way that our Technology classes report achievement. This year it will be included on the OIS end-of-year report with the other curriculum areas.
The first round of Technology for our OIS students has one week left to go. At the end of each rotation, students would previously have received a report, emailed home within three weeks. This will no longer happen. Students will see their achievement and effort marks on the OIS end-of-year school report.
We have also removed the Technology visual diary and replaced it with booklets and an art folder which is given to the students at the start of each Tech rotation and returned by the beginning of the following term. The booklet and art folder include all of the work that the students complete during their rotation in that Technology class. It demonstrates the students' learning as they work through their Technological process and outcomes. Throughout the booklet, the teachers provide timely feedback and feedforward for the students.
What this process means for the official achievement marks are they will be provided on the OIS end-of-year report.