Principal's Message....
Our Purpose: To prepare students to be active participants who will contribute to their community.
Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka.
As another week draws to a close I wish to express my thanks to everyone who has supported our students in their many activities throughout the term. This includes our sports teams, Kapahaka and Pasifika groups, choir, chess club, art groups, and the James Hargest trip to Invercargill. Without the support of staff and parents giving up their time, we could not offer such a broad range of activities for our students to participate in.
This week, our students have had another exciting week in our technology classes enjoying another rotation. Make sure you ask your child about what they are currently doing in technology.
Snapshot of Art Technology and the Burns Memorial Art Exhibition
Here are a few samples of what we've been doing in art over the last few weeks (See photos attached)
- Designing and making clocks
- Burns Memorial Art Exhibition - The Story of the koi carp - Collaborative piece
- Screen printing designs and printing onto material
- Dragons eye clay
- Printmaking - personalised cards
This week we welcomed Kay and her gorgeous Border Collie dog named Milou. Milou is coming to O.I.S. every Thursday morning to listen to children read as part of the newly established St John Oamaru Therapy Pets Programme. Today Tayla read with Milou and had an amazing experience with her.
Winter Sports Assembly
Next Friday we will be holding a Winter Sports Assembly at 11.45 am. You’re welcome to join us.
Otago Polyfest
The Pasifika group have been working really hard practicing their dances for the Otago Polyfest Festival next week. This is the 30-year celebration and takes place on the 11 - 14 September in Dunedin. A special thank you to Whae Isabelle, Anthony Toa and Vika Kaufana who have put in a tremendous amount of work to get this wonderful group of students ready. We appreciate them! (photos below)
Thank you to those of you who have donated to our camp raffle. We appreciate your support in getting our students to camp next year.
Police Vetting forms have been handed out for parents wishing to go to camp. If you still require a copy please let your child’s teacher know asap.
We are excited to see a number of in-zone enrolments and out-of-zone applications coming in for 2024. All our enrolments are online this year, so if you know a family member or friend who is interested, or intends on enrolling their tamariki for 2023, then please encourage them to check out our website regarding the enrolment process.
Rebecca Meek, Principal