2024 Camp Fundraiser
By Debbie Halkett | Posted: Thursday February 8, 2024
Pies and Juicies order forms, along with payment, are due by next Wednesday 14th February. Please DO NOT give our bank account number out to purchasers of pies or juicies. You must collect the money, and either bring in the cash or make ONE online payment to Oamaru Intermediate. Our bank details are on the fundraising sheets for YOUR USE ONLY. Please make sure the payment is clearly named and what it's for - Pies or Juicies.
Raffle cards are due back by Monday 26th February. These are always very easy to sell and we have more tickets available if you require them. We may extend the raffle if further fundraising is required by students. Camp must be paid in full or fundraised by the 20th March.