Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka
Yesterday I stood with a number of my colleagues on Strike, I know that this was not ideal however, neither is the current working conditions. Thank you for your support yesterday.
On Tuesday Oamaru Intermediate is hosting our Waitaki Kahui Ako, Kaiako (Teacher) only day. This is an opportunity for us to come together across sectors for our professional development. Teachers will participate in a range of workshops from curriculum to coaching and courageous conversations. A huge thank you to Vic Forrest, Sarah Caldwell and Stacey Honeywill for putting this together.
I am very excited to announce to our community that Paul Cartlidge has accepted a job in our Technology department, teaching Art to our Year 7 and 8 students. Paul has a number of strengths in both the visual arts and music areas. We are super excited to have Paul join our team next term.
I know that I put the message in the newsletter last week however unfortunately this week we still have students biking to school who are not respecting the road rules. PLEASE PLEASE if your child bikes to school go over the following information. We need your support to keep our students safe on the road.
Biking and scootering to school
It is wonderful to see so many of our students biking and scootering to school, however, it is important that our students are travelling safely around our community. If your child bikes or scooters to school please take the time to talk about these things:
Biking only on the roads, not on the footpaths
Looking both ways at a corner before crossing the road especially if you are on a scooter.
Riding in single file
Students on bikes must wear a helmet
Students who are biking to school need to know our road rules the same as we do to driving a car. I do suggest that you take the time to find what route your child is biking to school and what precautions need to be taken.
We strongly encourage all our students to bike the back streets from school, however, I am aware that a number of our students use the high school bike route. Regardless of what way your child bikes, they must adhere to all road rules.
OIS invoices
The OIS invoice has gone out for the year, we appreciate those who have already paid. If you pay by the 1st of May, you go in the draw to win one of two New World Vouchers.
With Winter sports around the corner, students will be coming home with a notice which will include the cost of the sport. We do not send individual sports invoices out, this is part of the permission slip. If you have credit then it is still important to return the slip and indicate on the slip to use the credit. Please also ensure that you put your child’s first and last name in the bank reference and what sport it is for.
Enjoy the long weekend and we look forward o seeing the students on Wednesday.
Rebecca Meek, Principal