Principal's Message....

By Rebecca Meek | Posted: Thursday August 31, 2023

Our Purpose: To prepare students to be active participants who will contribute to their community.

Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka.

Spring is well and truly in the air and the sun has meant students have been making the most of the great weather. Heading into the next two weeks we are going to really focus on KINDNESS. While we are all getting tired and ready for a break, it is important that we stop and think about our actions and reactions. Especially take time to think about how we speak to others and the language we use.

It is essential that as parents we support our students to have a successful end of term by keeping our child in a good routine, having early nights, and if they are using an online platform, please ensure you are monitoring what they are doing.

On Monday we had 45 students on their first ski trip since COVID to Roundhill Ski Field. Thank you Mr Cartlidge and Mrs Sim for offering this opportunity. The weather was outstanding and the students had a blast. 

We have been very lucky this winter to have had very few illnesses among staff. While we have had to juggle release and have management teaching in classrooms, we have not had to shut classrooms so far. We rely heavily on you as parents, to ensure that you only send your children to school when they are well. Thanks for your support.

On Monday we will be sending home notices to Year 7 students for camp in 2024. While I know this seems a long way away, the start of the year will come very quickly. Every Year 8 child goes to camp with their classroom teacher and the camp costs are approximately $320. To ensure we have everyone going to camp we start fundraising next term. It is essential that you start to prepare for your child's camp. This can be done by making regular payments into the school bank account in conjunction with fundraising opportunities.

O.I.S. bank account number is: 

  • Westpac Bank: 03-0937-0207107-00 
  • Reference: Child's Name / Camp

IMPORTANT:  This Monday 4 September at 6 pm we are holding a camp information session in the school hall. If you require more information or considering supporting us as a parent helper, then we would love to see you there. Students are welcome.


We are excited to see a number of in-zone enrolments and out-of-zone applications coming in for 2024. All our enrolments are online this year, so if you know a family member or friend who is interested, or intends on enrolling their tamariki for 2023, then please encourage them to check out our website regarding the enrolment process

Have a great Weekend!

Rebecca Meek, Principal