Principal's Message....
Our Purpose: To prepare students to be active participants who will contribute to their community.
Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka
We are in full swing in Term 2 and winter sports training and games have started. Thank you for your support in organising your child with the correct gear and getting them to games and training on time.
At O.I.S our teachers go above and beyond the core business to ensure that your child has a number of different opportunities, and winter sport is one of them. Thank you to all the parents who have put their hands up to manage and coach teams.
Last night we had our first P.T.A Meeting for the year so thank you to everyone who came along. Our new President is Amanda Notman. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Anita Mavor, Di Wardle, Fiona Caldwell and Andrea Southee for their support and commitment to our school by being involved in the P.T.A over the years.
With basketball starting next Wednesday 3 May, I just wanted to ensure that everyone is clear on expectations. We expect O.I.S. students at the courts 15 minutes before their game, and to leave after their game. If they are watching another game they need to be sitting up in the stand. We encourage you to come in with your child and watch them play, then take them home afterwards. O.I.S staff will be down at the courts however, it is expected that you take responsibility for the behaviour of your child. The Waitaki Recreation Centre ask that we don’t bounce balls or run in the hallway, or run around outside, especially in the car park. It is also important that our students don’t run on the court during quarter times bouncing the ball and taking shots. Please do not allow students to go down to the courts without adult supervision.
Our focus value for students this term is Learning with Purpose and classes have been reflecting on what this means. This may include ideas like;
Having a positive mindset - looking for the positive
Using phrases like I can’t do it yet… but I will keep tryiny
Allowing others to get on with their learning
Ensuring that each learner has all the equipment they need to achieve
Students own their learning
Often I get asked how can I help my student with their learning. As whanau, we play a vital role in how our children engage at school. Ensuring that your child has had enough sleep, nutrition and the correct uniform each day sets them up for success.
A reminder please that hair dye and make-up are not to be worn to school.
Thank you for your support in ensuring your child is wearing the correct school uniform. Your child is allowed to wear a jacket outside at break times as long as they have an O.I.S. blue jersey or polar fleece underneath. We do have a school jacket at the school office however, this is not compulsory. Please double-check that your child's uniform is named.
There appear to be students, particularly girls, wearing jewellery to school. Can you please make sure that your child is not wearing necklaces and bracelets - they are not part of our school uniform.
I am looking forward to getting out and about to watch the first week of winter sports.
Have a wonderful safe weekend.
Rebecca Meek, Principal