Principal's Message...
Our Purpose: To prepare students to be active participants who will contribute to their community.
Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka
I wish to thank those families who attended our Student Learning Conversations on Wednesday. Making the time to come and meet with their classroom teacher sends a direct message to your child that you are invested in their learning and the importance that you place on them having success at O.I.S. It also helps to build those positive home and school connections that are important in ensuring successful outcomes for your children. While I know some of our whānau could not make it due to illness, please make the time to do this when you're feeling better. Every student is expected to participate in a Learning Conversation with their whānau and their teacher.
Thank you for allowing us to take the day for these conversations. Having one day for learning conversations instead of spreading them over three nights is much better for teacher well-being and student outcomes.
On Friday the O.I.S team of teachers came together for a full day of professional development. We looked at a range of topics from the school improvement framework, the science of learning, structured literacy, and reviewing action plans. This was a valuable investment in the professional growth and well-being of teachers, ultimately leading to more effective outcomes for learners.
We have had a large number of children off school with colds and the flu. I appreciate that accommodating sick children puts extra pressure on families, however, we can not have sick students at school. It is really important that you phone, text or email the school to let us know your child is away before 9am.
Community of Learning
Last week in Christchurch a Kāhui Ako Conference took place where Lead Principals from Kāhui Akos all over NZ met and shared good practices and learnt about the power of collaborative school communities. Featured in the presentation from Amira Aman of Tātai Aho Rau Core Education was the acknowledgement of the work that is happening in our Waitaki Ara Kāhui Ako here in Oamaru. O.I.S is part of this, along with Waitaki Boys' and Girls' High Schools, Fenwick School and Te Pākihi o Maru. Amira shared the quality Inquiry work Vic Forrest from our school has been doing in her Across School Leader role, where she works with teachers from other schools to support the Kāhuis vision; Through collaboration, create pathways for all learners to become contributing citizens. Vic has built many relationships across the schools and worked hard to facilitate opportunities for teachers to Inquire into their practice.
All of her hard work is having a positive impact on many of our tamariki as they transition through the schools.
Have a great weekend!
Rebecca Meek, Principal