By Amanda Notman | Posted: Thursday April 11, 2024

Run by the Oamaru Intermediate School PTA, our major fundraiser is the sale of snack-sized Whittaker’s Chocolate bars. The success of this delicious and popular fundraiser will provide us with funds to assist our students in many ways such as enabling guest speakers, providing in-class devices, P.E equipment and E.O.T.C.

We suggest you sell to family members, friends, neighbours, workplace colleagues, and local sporting events. Please remember to keep kids safe when out and about selling chocolate bars

  • The sale price is $2.50 per bar.

  • In each box there are 36 bars x $2.50 per bar = $90.00 a box

  • Each student will be issued one box of chocolate bars on Friday 3 May along with a green form.


We encourage all families to make one online payment to PTA a/c no. 03-0937-0215908-01 using the student's first & last name and classroom number. Please ensure that you use the above PTA account number, as it is different from the OIS school account. It is important that you still send your green form to school if you pay online or with cash. We are still able to accept cash however, we do prefer online payments.

Cash and green forms will be collected in the mornings in Room 17 (beside art room) between 8.30 am and 8.45 am for the two weeks commencing Monday 6 May 2024.

All online payments will go into a draw to win a $50.00 New World voucher.

Additional boxes

Students are able to sell more boxes of chocolates however, they will not be issued until payment in full of $90.00 is received and marked off for the previous box, and the completed green form is returned signed by a parent requesting a further box. All additional boxes will be handed out from the canteen area.


There will be some fun prizes up for grabs including 50 Juicie vouchers.

First class to return all their money wins a hot chip lunch to share together.

ALL MONEY AND FORMS are to be RETURNED by Friday 21 May 2024

Any queries please contact amandan@oamaruint.school.nz or judeg@oamaruint.school.co.nz.

The OIS PTA thanks you for your support.