P.T.A. Whittaker's Chocolates Fundraiser

By Jude Garrett | Posted: Thursday April 11, 2024

Here are some FAQs - frequently asked questions and answers.

  • Do I have to sell chocolates? Yes, please! The money goes towards so many added extras in the school like Chromebooks, EOTC, sports gear, etc so every bit helps.

  • Do I have to sell the whole box? Yes please, ask widely, you can also buy them as a family and then sell them later in the year if you wish.

  • How much $$ do I need to bring in? $90

  • Can I just bring in some of the $$? To sign you off we need the whole $90 so please bring it all in at one go.

  • Can I pay online? Yes please - we would prefer this!! Make sure it is the PTA account, not the normal school one.

  • Can I pay some online and some in cash? Yes please make a total of $90 though.

  • What do I do if someone pays me extra for a bar? Just bring it in - anything over $90 is a bonus.

  • What do I do if someone doesn’t pay me enough? You still need to bring in $90 so please be careful as you sell the bars to make sure people pay you the right amount.

  • What if I eat some? You have to pay for them.

  • Can I get another box? Yes, please!! You have to return the money for the first box first though.

  • What if I have a special event and I want another box? Yes, please! Just get your parent to email Mrs Garrett or Mrs Notman and let us know.

  • What sort of money do you want?? All money but notes are quicker and easier to count than a pile of 10 or 20-cent pieces. Swap the coins for notes if you can but we will take anything that comes in.

  • Where do I bring the money? To room 17 first thing in the morning - when you bring it in we will check it in front of you so you and we know there is $90 in the money bag.

  • What if I forget to hand in my money? Do not leave it in your bag - bring it to Mrs Garrett in Room 17 as soon as you remember!!

  • What if I really can’t sell them? After a few weeks, we will ask for what is still out there. At this point, you can bring in the $$ you have and the bars remaining (this has to equal $90). We really want to avoid this so keep on selling.

The OIS PTA thanks you for your support.