Our Purpose: To prepare students to be active participants who will contribute to their community.

By Rebecca Meek | Posted: Thursday July 25, 2024

Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka. Welcome back to Term 3, thank you for your support in ensuring that your child has the correct school uniform, we take a lot of pride in how we wear our uniform and represent our school.

It has been a huge week for a number of students and staff who have been involved in the James Hargest Sports Exchange over the last two days. Our students were outstanding ambassadors for our school, both on and off the field. We are not celebrating the win today, with the shield going to Hargest however, I am extremely proud of the students.  

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sharon Wilson our Sports Co-ordinator for all the work that she puts into ensuring that this event runs smoothly each year. A massive thank you to all our coaches, referees, umpires, and managers for supporting our teams this year. To the OIS staff, thank you for your incredible support in the led up and during the exchange. I am incredibly privileged to work with such an outstanding team of staff, students, and parents.


Our 2025 Enrolments opened at the end of term and we are excited to see a number of in-zone enrolments and out-of-zone applications coming in. All our enrolments are online at www.oamaruint.school.nz so if you need assistance to complete this then please call Debbie or feel free to come into the office.  If you know a family or friend who is interested or intending on enrolling their tamariki for 2025, then please encourage them to check out our website regarding the enrolment process or make an appointment to see me via the office.

Whātuia te Waiora - Weaving Wellbeing.

We are also lucky enough to have Sasha Frame from St Johns, who over the course of the term will be running our Year 7 students through a programme called Whātuia te Waiora - Weaving Wellbeing.

Weaving Wellbeing is a positive psychology programme for Year 7 students. The  intention of Whātuia te Waiora Weaving Wellbeing is to support learners to feel good about themselves, have a vision for themselves that supports their best possible selves, and to be equipped with a number of resilient ways of thinking and being to support them in times of challenge. 

This intention will be to support learners to: 

  • Get to know what their strengths are, and how they can be used in times of challenge.

  • Visualising themselves at their best. 

  • Recognising their moods. 

  • Cultivate resilient ways of thinking. 

  • Kindness towards self and others. 

Have a great weekend everyone

Rebecca Meek, Principal