Principal's message...

By Rebecca Meek | Posted: Thursday October 12, 2023

Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka.

Welcome back to everybody for Term 4. We have a very busy term ahead of us with a number of different opportunities and activities planned; Athletics, Diligence Assembly and Prizegiving, Speeches plus a Year 7 trip, to name just a few. On Monday we have two visiting authors coming to run workshops and speak with our students.

This term is also the last for our Year 8 cohorts at Intermediate. Students have enrolled at their new high schools and will be entering into the transition process. As we all know, change looks and feels different for everyone and it is super important that we remind our students to be respectful of each other about the high school they are going to attend. If you need financial support with your child’s uniform, we have application forms for JR McKenzie Trust available from the school office.

Next year our Year 8 Camp Programme will take place early in the year where students will go to camp with their homeroom teacher and buddy class. With this in mind, our current Year 7 students have already had information come home about this. With the cost of camp being around $330 it is important that families start to make financial plans to cover the cost. As a school, we will be offering some opportunities this term and early next year in Term 1 to fundraise. 

On Monday our Year 7 students will be receiving a raffle card that contains 10 tickets to sell, students can sell as many cards as they want. A number of our parents already have direct debits set up for their child through our online banking so thank you for organising this early.


Thank you for ensuring your child is in the correct uniform. We ask that all students have a navy or black hat to wear during PE and break times. Caps are available from the school office for $8.

Can we please also ask that students come to school in the correct school uniform every day, not their PE uniform. Students only wear PE uniform when we have a school-wide sports day. If your child is not in uniform for any reason, then they must come to the office and get a uniform pass.

A few reminders…

  • Monday 23 October - SCHOOL CLOSED - Labour Day

  • Tuesday 24 October  -TOD students learning from home - we have a Teacher Professional Learning and Development day.  As usual the school will be open for those parents that need to work and have their child supported for the day. Please let us know if you need supervision for your child, email 

Your child will need to come in school uniform and bring their lunch.

Rebecca Meek