Principal's Message........
Our Purpose: To prepare students to be active participants who will contribute to their community.
Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka
On Tuesday I had the privilege of spending the day with teachers and support staff from our Community of Learning; OIS, WBHS, WGHS, Fenwick and Te Pākihi o Maru. Our day started with Dr Emma Woodward who spoke to us about ways in which we can support our students to navigate our very changing and complex world. You can listen to a TEDx Talk of hers How to Parent in a Messed Up World. The rest of the day teachers opted into break-out sessions with varying presenters and topics.
At O.I.S we provide a number of opportunities for students to participate in winter sports through hockey, netball and basketball. Our local clubs provide football and rugby. I am a firm believer that students who participate in a team sport get to experience more opportunities. Engaging in sport is important for more than just physical fitness. Playing sport often means being part of a team and this allows for building skills in a whole range of areas. As well as learning all of the techniques involved in the sport, children can also develop their life skills. Playing team sports encourages co-operation and sharing, resilience, goal setting and building relationships. Learning to lose is also an important skill that’s often uncovered through playing sports.
With the weather cooling down, especially in the morning, it is important that students do not arrive at school before 8.30 am. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child is wearing the correct school uniform too. Your child is allowed to wear a jacket outside at break times as long as they have an O.I.S blue jersey or polar fleece underneath. We do have school jackets for sale at the school office, however, this jacket is not compulsory. Students are also able to wear long grey dress pants on cold days.
Board update
Our School is governed by a very dedicated Board of Trustees. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bec O’Sullivan who has stood down from our Board and as the Presiding Member. Bec has been an extremely valued and a committed member of the team who has gone above and beyond in her role. A special mention to Ben Stratford, who is our new Presiding Member. Ben will continue to work alongside our existing Board members Ian Cathcart, Tessa Fifita, Jane Taafaki, Damian Brown and Isabelle Raukete.
Biking and Scootering to school
We are continuing to field a number of phone calls about the behaviour of our students while biking or scootering to school. I can not stress enough the importance of having a conversation with your child about their behaviour and safety on a scooter or bike. Students must wear a helmet and adhere to all the road rules.
All bike students as of yesterday are leaving O.I.S at the end of the day from the Dacre Street gate. We have made this decision due to the congestion at the Pembroke Street corner. The goal is to keep our students as safe as we can.
OIS Invoices
O.I.S invoices have gone out for the year and we appreciate those who have already paid. If you pay by the 1st of May, you go in the draw to win one of two $100 New World Vouchers.
Rebecca Meek, Principal