O.I.S. Bank Accounts details

By Debbie Halkett | Posted: Tuesday April 13, 2021

When paying individual payments to O.I.S. please check to make sure you are paying in to the correct bank account.

Our School Bank Account Number is: Westpac Bank 03-0937-0207107-00. Please use your child’s name as a reference and clearly state what the payment is for eg. tech, camp, basketball, touch, hockey etc. 


  • The OIS P.T.A. Clothing Bank Account Number is: Westpac Bank 03-0937-0215908-00. Any uniform purchased through the uniform shop must use this account number. Please use your child’s name as a reference.
  • The OIS P.T.A. General Account  Number is: Westpac Bank 03-0937-0215908-01. This account is used for ONLY P.T.A. FUNDRAISING PAYMENTS eg. chocolate fundraiser etc.