Principal's Message.....

By Rebecca Meek | Posted: Thursday February 25, 2021

Thank you for your support on Tuesday night at the Meet the Teacher and Year 8 camp information evening, it was exciting to see so many parents. Year 8 children will be coming home with camp information today. It is important that you get your forms back in on time.

Year 7 students have started their first round of Technology this week. This year we have added a new rotation to our Technology programme called STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM learning applies meaningful maths, science, and technology content to solve real-world problems through hands-on learning activities and creative design. It is another opportunity for our students to explore the curriculum with enjoyable and engaging activities.

We have been having a real focus in the playground and in the classrooms about how we can show kindness and respect towards others. At OIS we are one nation of many cultures.

As a staff, we are excited to be working towards our strategic goals set by our Board of Trustees. Our teachers will be participating in a staff meeting on Monday night to set the action plan for the year.

Our school-wide intent is to increase engagement, well being, equity and student achievement.

This will be developed through:

  • Prioritising and sustaining a caring culture of inclusivity.

  • Curriculum Review informed by data, observation and Teacher Inquiry.

  • Implement evaluative processes which identify practices that most effectively support positive outcomes for all learners.

  • Commitment to collaboratively pursue the Achievement Goals of the Waitaki Ara Kahui Ako (COL).

At OIS we encourage students to participate in all school activities. We would greatly appreciate your support in only sending notes or emails to the classroom teacher excusing your child if they are genuinely unable to participate.

We have our first whole school event coming up on Friday 5 March, swimming sports. At OIS we encourage all students to participate to the best of their ability and we don’t look to disadvantage or disqualify children of any races. Children who qualify for North Otago will have the opportunity, before they compete, to have pool sessions to ensure that they are aware of the expectations at local events. We welcome parent helpers to help us at the event and if you are able to assist us please email our Sports Coordinator Sharon Wilson

I have also noticed an increase in phone calls to the office. One of the things that we promote at OIS is for students to manage themselves and take responsibility for organising themselves. Please support us in this.


As noted in last week’s newsletter, chocolates will be sent home with students tomorrow. Our target is for everyone to sell 36 bars of chocolate @ $2.00 each ($72 per box). If we can pull together as a school community and achieve this, it means that each child will fundraise $30 for OIS and we would have $7,800 to invest in school projects to benefit all students.